Criminal Defense

Attorney Thompson understands that being accused of a crime affects the most important parts of your life.  The consequences affect you, your family, and your job.  We provide passionate and dedicated legal representation by bringing zealous advocacy into the courtroom and by working to give our clients as many options as possible before they make critical decisions about their cases.

An experienced criminal defense attorney will start preparing your case for a jury trial from the beginning of representation.  Criminal law cases are vastly different from the civil cases that many are familiar with, such as probate/wills, divorce, child custody, and injury lawsuits.

The Law Office of Daniel P Thompson defends people indicted or charged with crimes in the following Massachusetts courts:

  • Superior Court
  • District Court
  • Juvenile Court
  • Federal District Court

Our criminal defense practice areas include:

  • Life felonies
  • Indictments
  • Sex crimes
  • Operating/Driving Under the Influence OUI/DUI
  • Motor vehicle offenses
  • Clerk magistrate hearings
  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Violent crimes
  • Drug and trafficking offenses
  • Financial crimes
  • Weapons/guns/explosives crimes
  • Domestic offenses
  • Property crimes
  • Criminal Record Sealing

Contact Attorney Daniel Thompson at 781-825-3828 if you, a friend, or a loved one has been charged with a crime.  Arrangements can be made for Attorney Thompson to visit prospective clients who are already behind bars awaiting trial.